Arrival in Vietnam

June 9, 1969

Cam Ranh Bay Airbase, Processing

Cam Ranh Bay Airbase

My story begins when I arrived at Cam Ranh Bay Airbase.  At this point it was the most scariest moment of my life.  I expected gunfire directed at me from the moment I stepped off the plane.

I kept waiting for the war to begin, but it never happened while I was at Cam Ranh Bay.

It didn't look like a war zone, actually I was quite pleased the way the base looked.  It wasn't the way I expected Vietnam to look at all.  I was definitely in the tropics.  First time I saw a palm tree and it was hot.

Cam Ranh Bay Airbase Army Processin

At the time of my arrival I didn't have the faintest idea where Cam Rahn Bay was located.  Saigon was the only city I knew of.  If you're not familiar with Vietnam, Cam Rahn Bay is on the central East coast of Vietnam.

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