
Olieman's Immigrate

In September of 1956, from the port of Rotterdam, Holland, Arie M. Olieman set sail on the Dutch Ocean Liner "Rotterdam" across the Atlantic ocean to New York City. It was a long nine day journey,  Arie traveled alone, in advance, and leaving his wife and two children behind, they were soon to follow to the new world, where opportunity lies.

Arie's new job was located in Erie, Pennsylvania.

In November 1956 Elizabeth and her two sons, Matthys and Jacob, at Amsterdam Schiphol, boarded a KLM airliner "Constellation" to Idlewild Airport, New York City.  There was a planned fuel stop at Shannon, Ireland.  On the approach to the Shannon airport the airplane developed engine problems,  the engine sputter and fire shooting out from engine four.  The short fuel stop ended up being an overnight stay at an Irish Inn.  Next morning they were off to the airport and on there way to New York City.

  From Idlewild Airport to LaGaurdia on a helicopter and off to Erie, Pennsylvania on a DC3.

Family Reunited

Once the family was reunite, their new lives started in the U.S.A.

The Oliemans were not familiar with Erie weather and assumed it was similar to the Holland mild winters.  They were also not familiar with Thanksgiving day traditions but were amazed of the amount of snow that arrived early Thanksgiving day morning, 1956.  Erie was hit with a historical snow storm.

This was their start and introduction to their new life in the U.S.A.

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